It's been crazy the past few weeks, so apologies for the month long delay in a post! But it has given me some time to come up with another list of my essentials. So without further ado...
1.) Mederma Stretch Mark Cream- Love it! It helps heal and repair the places you get stretch marks, it's a little pricey at $39 per bottle at WalMart (This is the cheapest I've seen it) but I think it's worth it since I'm already seeing results.
2.) Medela Bottles- We started using bottles more and more especially since we can't stay home all the time due to Cree's feedings or we'd go stir crazy. These are super helpful with pumping and feeding Cree. I was lucky and got a ton of these at my shower so I have enough for her to have 4 bottles in during the day while I'm at work and I can take 4 to pump and still have extras for my late night or early morning pump sessions.
3.) Graco Pack N Play- We use this as our downstairs changing station and I love it! You don't realize how you need two of everything if you have a two story home until you have a baby. Once she gets too big to use the changing portion of the pack n play I'm not sure what we're going to do! We got ours from Target for $79, my in-laws purchased it for us over Christmas though for $79.
4.) Bath Tub- We started giving Cree bath's more often after the first 6 weeks and she LOVES bath time and I love using her little tub! It came with a sling/hammock that I used when she was really little but now that she can sit up a little bit better we no longer use it. It's easy to rinse out in our big tub and I just leave it in there to dry off once we're done. You can get one of these at Target for $20, great baby shower present if you're looking!
5.) Munchkin Waterproof Changing Pad Liner- Talk about a life saver on several occasions, otherwise I'd be doing laundry way more often! I use one on her changing pad upstairs and one downstairs, and have a few spares for any mishaps we might have. If she pees on them NOTHING soaks through so you don't have to change out your changing pad cover (this happened a lot before I got these). Highly recommended, you can get them at Target in a 3pack for $8.
6.) Nursing Tank- As a breastfeeding mom your options on bra's are limited so these tanks come in handy for weekends at the house and night time feedings. I have several of them and they work great stand alone or under shirts as an undershirt. I've only been able to find these in Target at a reasonable price around $16-$20 for a 2pack.

8.) Sassy Mirror- Again, we love the Sassy brand! We use this as Cree's tummy time mirror and as of yesterday according to her Grandma she was grabbing on it and trying to eat it. She likes to look at that pretty baby in the mirror, I can't blame her I love looking at her too :) My friend Sarah got this for us at a consignment store as her son loved the one they had when he was little. There is a similar Sassy mirror on sale at WalMart right now for $8. You can see her bug on her car seat in this picture (not the best picture I know), she was being pretty sassy when we went on vacation as you can tell from this picture.

10.) Infantino Bug Lovie- I started giving this to her a few weeks ago to entertain her while I was in the shower and while she was in her carseat. She likes to chew on it's face and on the silk portion of the blanket. She loves to look at all of the patterns on the shell and sometimes it makes her go cross eyed which makes me think it's helping her work on her focus. Infantino also has a boy version of this in blue and green and can be found at Target for $13.
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