Friday, March 21, 2014

Basic Training

My new life is: change Cree, feed Cree, burp Cree, comfort and hold Cree when she cries, kiss Cree, snap pictures of Cree, put her to sleep, REPEAT.

I feel like I'm two weeks into basic training where the first week was hell week and now the second week things are starting to slowly fall into place and like I might be starting to get the hang of this mom thing. I'm learning things like: make sure there is a diaper under her at all times in case she pees (or worse, yes it's happened) when you change her, my baby is picky and only likes me to use a certain brand of Lanolin for breastfeeding, it's really hard to burp a milk drunk baby, there are such things as blocked tear ducts and that breast milk will help the infection (according to a Kardashian's episode it helps with eczema too) (( don't judge my choice in TV shows, I judge myself)), my baby takes about 10 minutes to latch on because she wants to truly enjoy her meal and stare at mom while she eats, etc.

I never thought I'd love this 7 pound little person so much and it hurts my heart when she cries and I can't figure out how to make it better for her. No one really warns you about how hard it is to be a mom, well, maybe they tried but you don't really understand until your actually in the throws of things. I think God's been trying to teach me patience my whole life in preparation for motherhood and now even more so I'm continuing to learn since Cree was born.

While things are hard, I'm super thankful for some things that are pretty easy with her too such as: she's a good sleeper and let's me get about 7-8 hours of sleep a night (mind you this isn't consecutive hours of sleep, but I'll take it), my milk coming in quickly and keeping her well feed in addition to her only loosing 2 oz. before we left the hospital, when she smiles and makes baby pterodactyl noises which are pretty much the best things to see and hear, she doesn't mind when I place huge bows on her head, with the exception of today she doesn't need to be held constantly, we've gone on three outings already and she's slept the whole time, etc.

I don't think my training will ever end as a new mom and I'm excited to see what else I learn as she continues to grow. Fortunately I think the hardest part is over and it can only get more fun and easier from here on out (prayers are appreciated)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

So I've been thinking...

Over the past few months, I've had some friends ask if I was going to blog while I was pregnant or even after the baby was born and I realized that I had missed it but I just didn't have time or really didn't make time to do it while I was pregnant for a lot of reasons. The biggest one was that I work for an online company, so I'm basically on the computer for 8 hours everyday and who wants to see another screen and keyboard once you're home? Not me.
Anyways, it's been a while since I blogged, literally since our wedding almost three years ago next month. I kept a blog about our wedding and all the planning and money saving we were able to do for 7 months. People start blogs for all kinds of reason now: to post their opinions, to write about their weddings (I've been there, done that), etc. I'm sure you're thinking, here we go again and I don't blame you for thinking that... because if I were you I'd probably be thinking the same thing.
Alas, writing has always been an outlet for me since I was probably in the fourth grade and it continued through Junior High, High School and even College as I was a writer for the newspaper and eventually became the Editor in Chief my senior year of college. I even worked as an Account Executive in the advertising department for my hometown newspaper immediately after college for two years.
So, as you can see the written word is in my blood and I'm excited to start blogging again, especially after such a huge change just happened to my husband and myself: we had our first baby girl ten days ago and maternity leave seems to be the best time to get into a routine of blogging again.
Why Thrifty Ramblings as a title? Well, I don't want to just write about being a new mom- this blog will be about a variety of things such as being a wife to my smoking hot husband, J, all the ways we have been 'thrifty' and saved money since we've been married, learning my new role as a mom to C, adjusting to a 'new normal' in our house, heading back to work when the time comes, etc. Join me, won't you?
Thanks for stopping by!