How far along: 17 Weeks
Gender: Unknown for a few short weeks!
Weight gain: 5-7 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Pretty much constant now but some dress and shirts still fit pretty good.
Stretch marks: Nope.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty good since Cree's crazy nights have stopped over the past week, praise the Lord!
Best moment this week: Lunch Date with the hubs to Moes!
Miss anything: I'd like to take some ibuprofen for these headaches I've been having!
Movement: Here and there what I think is the baby moving, nothing consistent. Ready to feel the baby all the time so that way I'm not freaking out in between appointments.
Cravings: This week I wanted balsamic tomatoes with spinach and chicken and I've wanted a lot of fruit.
Queasy or sick: I got queasy again on Tuesday morning, J had to go grab me a coke to help with it.
Looking forward to: The weekend and hanging out with my guy and tiny gal, I've been traveling for work this week so some down time with them will be nice!
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
12 weeks
How far along: 12 weeks (almost 13)
Gender: Unknown for a few short weeks
Weight gain: 3 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Not really, I've worn maternity pants once since my others were dirty and are starting to get tight (sadness). It's amazing how quickly my body is changing this time.
Stretch marks: Nope.
Belly button in or out: Out.
Sleep: I wake up to pee at least once a night which is crazy because I didn't do that with Cree until the third trimester. Other than that, sleep is pretty good unless I can't get comfortable or Cree wakes up which has been happening frequently due to molars coming in. Is it just me or do all moms feel like their kids are ALWAYS teething?
Best moment this week: Our 4 year anniversary on Thursday, I came downstairs to flowers and a card! We're keeping it pretty low-key with a date night in tonight (take out and a movie) and sending Cree to my parents overnight so we can get some uninterrupted sleep AND sleep in like the good ole pre-Cree days.
Miss anything: We had an office lunch outing at work this week to this great sushi place nearby and I couldn't have my favorite roll!
Movement: Nothing, but I can tell that my uterus is moving up and out of my pelvis so I don't think it'll be too much longer until I can feel the little bean.
Cravings: Halo or Cuties Oranges and Yogurt.
Queasy or sick: In the mornings I'm usually nauseous as soon as I get up and end up eating an orange right before I get in the shower and this really seems to help! During the day I just need to make sure I eat a little something every few hours and that seems to keep the queasy feeling away. However, on the way to work on Tuesday, I actually had to pull over because I was getting sick... so that was new.
Looking forward to: Sleeping in and spending most of Saturday/Sunday with Cree doing girl stuff since Jeremy will be helping a friend build an outdoor storage building.
Friday, January 30, 2015
What I'm Loving Friday
What I'm loving Friday!
1.) American Sniper : The hubs took me on a date last night to see it and although it's sad in certain parts, it's an overall really great movie!
2.) Hand Scrub: Someone in my building left some pretty sweet Lemon Lavender Homemade Hand Scrub in the bathroom and my hands are absolutely loving it!
3.) SnapChat: So, in December, I decided to download this app in order to communicate better and more often with my younger siblings who use it often. In the past week, I've communicated more using this than texting with my siblings and friends who I don't talk to as much as I used to. I even convinced Mr. J to download it!
4.) Zulily: Been stalking Zulily a lot (pretty much everyday) for deals on little girls apparel and recently they have had some really great deals on purses for ladies that I scooped up!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Sleeping Thru the Night? What's that?
This is literally how I feel every single night but I am so tired that I fall asleep and forget my lists, a lot. I also wake up at least once a night and tip toe out of our room to check on Cree just in case our Angel Care monitor decides not to tell me if she's not breathing. Oh the struggle is real. I love being a mom, it is truly an amazing thing but there are things that I miss about the days before I became a mom like sleeping thru the night. Man, I used to sleep like a champ BC (you know, Before Cree).
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Essentials for Traveling with a Baby
This past weekend I journeyed to FL for one of my best college girlfriends wedding. I didn't realize how much different traveling is when you have a baby in tow and a husband who can't go because of work. I'm exhausted but I'm so glad we went! It was a gorgeous wedding on the white sand beaches of Destin, FL.
While my husband was unable to come with us, my best friend/roomate from college (Ashley) was able to come with us which was super fun! I don't know how in the world I would have been able to get through the traveling without her. Two words: Life Saver. So if you're going to be traveling with a little person between the ages of 3-6 months, here are some essentials you'll need before you begin the trip in addition to having a traveling companion to help!
1.) Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes - Cree has started to absolute anything to do with music and lights and this was crucial to keep her entertained during the 8-10 hour trip to and from FL. She's still learning how to reach out and grab things right now as well and this also gives her that incentive as well. Right now you can get this for a steal on Amazon with free shipping for $8.
2.) Infantino Go GaGa Mirror Toy - My child loves to look at that pretty baby in the mirror any chance she gets so a few weeks ago I got this Infantino attachment for her car seat. She will just stare at the mirror and talk to the baby in the mirror to her hearts content. This is available at Target online or in store for $8.99.
3.) Go GaGa Squeeze and Teethe Elephant KiKi - We think that Cree is beginning to start teething as pretty much everything she touches goes into her mouth and one of the things she absolutely loves is this Elephant anywhere near her mouth. It also squeaks and she loves when it makes that sound. This is also available at Target online or in store for $11.99.
4.) Medela 9Volt Vehicle Lighter Adapter - As a breastfeeding mother, traveling is tough when it comes to feedings and I realized I would be lost without the car charger for my Medela Pump N Style. My system for feeding Cree while on the way home (I learned a lot on the way there) was I pumped before we left at 5:30am and then when she was ready for another feeding around 9am, we stopped and I changed her diaper and then we headed back on the road and I gave her the bottle I had pumped so we didn't loose much time. Once she finished the bottle I was able to pump while Ashley drove and then what I pumped out I was able to give her for the next feeding, and so on, you get the picture. By being able to pump in the car using the adapter I'm pretty sure we saved about 1.5 hours. You can get an adapter for your Medela pump at Target or WalMart for $19.99. I was able to score a Medela Pump N Style with a car charger off of Craigslist for a mere $40, I call that thrifting at it's finest!
The wedding was lovely, it's so fun to be able to be there for friends during their big life moments! These ladies are the kinds of friends that I can go months without seeing and it's like no time has passed at all, you only get a couple of those friends in a lifetime and I'm so glad these ladies are some of mine.

Thursday, June 19, 2014
DIY Headband & Bow Holder
Since before we even decided to have kids I have always said that if we did have a little girl, she wouldn't go anywhere without a bow on her head. If you've seen my Instagram (Check it out using the button on the right!) I've lived up to my word as my sweet girl has a headband in pretty much every single color of the rainbow.
The problem with this is that I had a hard time figuring out how to store them, most of the time they literally sat on her nightstand in a huge ugly pile. So I searched on Etsy, they were more than I wanted to pay ($40 for a picture frame and ribbon? Come on.) so I decided I would attempt to make my own and I've been pretty pleased with the result.
You too can make your own, here's what I did:
- Went to Good Will and browsed through the pictures section, found a frame that matched Cree's room--- $3
- Got some hooks from Target--- $3.99
- I had to splurge on ribbon by going to Hobby Lobby since the Dollar Store didn't have any cute colors that matched the nursery--- $8
- Threw away the ugly picture and glass.
- Used my husbands drill and drilled holes into the bottom for the hooks.
- Lovingly asked my husband to screw in the hooks as I was having a hard time getting them.
- Hot glued ribbon the ribbon in place and Voila!
Total for Cree's Headband and Bow Holder: $14.99 (Wayyyyyy cheaper than most of the things I saw on Etsy)
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